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We unleash the potential of Real Estate businesses by implementing a consistent infrastructure to manage all processes


CITYBPM - full automation of the developer's process

The developer's process may involve residential projects, offices, shopping centers, warehouses, hotels, and rental apartments

What does the package contain?


Purchase of land

  • Management of land purchase
  • Surveys and pre-land purchase analysis
  • Application for land purchase


Creating the project structure

  • Management of the project team structure - roles, employees, replacements
  • Planning the developer's project - costs, revenues, milestones, team
  • Management of budgets
  • Management of permits
  • Management of risk


Planning and preparing for construction

  • Contractor contracting - management of tenders
  • Application for construction
  • Management of OSH requirements at the construction site


Management in the construction process

  • Risk management from the moment of land purchase plan to the sale of the investment
  • Management of construction milestones
  • Request to Management to purchase land


Sales and rental management

  • Management of trust account releases
  • Preparing for the sale of apartments/rental of space
  • RentRoll for office projects
  • Management of FITOUT work for residential and office projects
  • Management of guarantees and insurance

Benefits of
the CITYBPM package

Organized management structure

  • one method of managing projects for all user groups: purchases, planning, valuations, administrative permits, implementation, sales, financial management, accounting

Transparent and organized source documents

  • one source of analytical data for developer reporting

Monitoring the project schedule

  • monitoring the timeliness of tasks in the developer's process

FINANCE - managing costs in the company

What does the package contain?


Modeling, creating, editing, project budgets

  • Creating budgets from ready-made analytical models
  • Budget change requests, monitoring budget utilization
  • Management of budget versions
  • Management of budget variants


Management of purchase contracts

  • Contract creation, legal and tax opinions, recommendations gathering
  • Contract acceptance process, digital signature
  • Monitoring contract implementation in the financial scope
  • Monitoring contracts in the scope of budget utilization
  • Monitoring multiple actions related to the signed contract in the organization: end date, insurance, guarantees, deposits


Approval of purchase invoices

  • One office for all invoices in the organization
  • Automatic recognition of invoice data (OCR)
  • Description of the analytical invoice, payment plan description, VAT rate description
  • Decree of the invoice and integration with the financial-accounting system
  • Integration with NIP24, white list, VAT carousel mechanism


Managerial financial analysis

  • Common for budgets, contracts, and invoices - managerial code dictionaries
  • Analysis of the utilization and variation of the project budget
  • Analysis of contracting a given project
  • Analysis of utilization (invoicing) of project contracts and budgets


Analysis of the contractor based on the history of activity, verification of the "white list"

  • One base of contractors with natural persons, activities, companies, branches, inter-company relationships
  • Integration with NIP24, white list
  • Financial 360 contractor view


Comprehensive accounting training

  • Expert accounting training
  • Expert training in automated processes
  • Workshops with financial teams

Benefits of
the FINANCE package

Alerts for overruns

  • Identification of overruns in budgets and signed contracts

Real time task analysis

  • Monitoring of contracts in the financial context and other contractual tasks

Accounting order

  • Invoices accepted and paid on time

ARCHIMAT - all company documents in one place

What does the package contain?


Receipt of physical documents from branches and construction sites across Poland

  • Reporting of ready-made boxes with documents for collection
  • Collection of documents at designated locations: offices, construction sites
  • Transport of documents to the archive


Identification of documents, scanning, disposal of unnecessary documents

  • Identification and verification of documents
  • Mass scanning of documents
  • Disposal of unnecessary documents
  • Sending to a substantive description of the document


Substantive description of scans and assignment to individuals or groups of people

  • Substantive description of the document
  • Sending the document to the responsible person


Transport of documents to a professional archive

  • Secure documents transported to a secure archive
  • The storage period in the archive is related to the type of document


Possibility of renting a physical document from the archive

  • The platform allows ordering the rental of a given document from the archive
  • It is possible to order the completion of all documents for a given project and transfer them to a new investor, for example.

Benefits of
the ARCHIMAT package

Digitization of documents

  • Access to ALL company documents in digitized form

Document availability

  • Easy documents lookup

Document security

  • Safe storage of paper documents in a secure archive

CRM - sales of apartments, rental of offices

What is included in the package?


Sales Support

  • sales lead management (integration with SalesManago system)
  • sales opportunity management
  • sales representatives' activities management: email, phone contact, meetings


Process Management

  • Pricing discounts and promotions management
  • Product catalog management
  • Sales contract management
  • Payment schedule management
  • Contract, annex, and assignment management


Payment / Accounting Automation

  • Payment handling and linking to payment schedule and/or invoices
  • Sales invoice generation
  • Sending sales invoices to the Financial and Accounting system
  • Customer service department action recording

Benefits of
the CRM package

A consistent system

  • A consistent sales management system

Easier access

  • One place with sales data analysis

One platform

  • One platform for all sales activities

PLATFORMA - package of services for small and medium-sized companies (10 - 100 people)

Package of automating processes necessary for small and developing companies.

What is included in the package?



  • Organizational structure, roles, replacements, absences, leave, delegations
  • Recruitment, onboarding, offboarding
  • Budgets, contracts, approval of purchase invoices
  • Timesheet - recording employees' working hours



  • Contractors, projects, contracts, sales invoice generation
  • Employee dashboard
  • Manager dashboard
  • Management dashboard

Benefits of
the PLATFORM package

Optimization of daily activities

  • proven ready-made processes, which upon implementation will free up time and focus on the development of your company

Focus on development

  • introduction of a standard allows you to be ready to scale your company from the very beginning

Simplification of processes

  • the platform will automate all necessary areas in the service company: finance, HR, service implementation, customer service

TENDERS - tenders and requests for proposals

What is included in the package?



  • Preparation of a request for proposal
  • Collecting a list of potential suppliers
  • Sending invitations to the tender
  • Collecting responses to the request for proposal



  • Handling questions and answers from suppliers
  • Acceptance of the recommended supplier
  • Negotiation and signing of the contract

Benefits of
the TENDERS package

Orderly selection of suppliers

  • introducing a standard and transparency in the supplier selection process

Information base

  • building an information base on potential suppliers along with an assessment of their work

Comparison of offers

  • better comparison of supplier offers thanks to a standardized format for collecting responses

HR CODE - human resources processes

What is included in the package?



  • Employee card
  • Inventory of assigned equipment
  • Sending invitations to tender
  • Timesheet


HR Department

  • Employee documents
  • Employee contracts
  • Benefits and bonus management
  • Recruitment
  • Onboarding
  • Offboarding
  • Quarterly goal management
  • Bonus management

Benefits of
the HR CODE package

Full employee process

  • one place with a fully automated process for the employee: recruitment, onboarding, contract, monitoring work results, bonuses, benefits, delegations

One place for employee information

  • one place for the employee with a dashboard informing about the necessary data of his work

Easy management of quarterly goals

  • planning and monitoring the implementation of employees' quarterly goals

OSH EXPERT - Health and safety processes

What is included in the package?


Monthly reporting of construction site data: employees, accidents, and incidents

  • Monthly reporting of occupational health and safety data from all construction sites
  • The possibility of involving external companies in reporting occupational health and safety
  • Handling of the repair process in the event of an incident or accident


Supervisory visits

  • Supervisory visit inventory
  • Monitoring the implementation of post-audit recommendations
  • Monitoring the implementation of annual occupational health and safety goals


Carbon footprint counting

  • Collecting information from construction sites about resources generating a carbon footprint
  • Calculating and analyzing the carbon footprint on construction sites

Benefits of
the OSH EXPERT package

Common database

  • one place grouping occupational health and safety data from all construction sites

Goal monitoring

  • monitoring of designated occupational health and safety goals on construction sites

ESSV visit inventory

  • conducting ESSV visits/monitoring
Risk Expert

RISK EXPERT - risk management and elimination processes

What is included in the package?


Risk identification

  • Identification of risks from the beginning of the development process, i.e., land purchase
  • Simple mechanism for entering risk data


Definition of impact and probability of risk occurrence

  • Assigning a person responsible for risk management
  • Risk analysis - impact and probability of materialization
  • Notification of changes in the risk that occurred to the project team


Commissioning of risk-minimizing tasks

  • Determination of a mitigation plan
  • Commissioning of tasks required to be performed in order to minimize the probability of risk occurrence
  • Current reporting of the risk status to the Management and project team

Benefits of
the RISK EXPERT package

Centralized place for management

  • a central place with risk analysis from all projects

Ongoing risk analysis

  • ongoing monitoring of the probability of risk materialization

Repair plans

  • risk minimization by using repair plans